Monday, March 29, 2010

Saturday Morning Trail Ride

My friend Helen and I were going to go on a Poker run on Saturday but we decided to just ride the horses in our neighbourhood instead. Which is Lot's easier than getting them loaded, driving to the place, riding on the trail then loading them up again,and driving home. We could spend that time riding !! Of course we didn't get to see all the people and their horses but life is a compromise. Since we have had so much rain here we thought we would ride in a subdivision that has nice quiet streets and big grassy shoulders for the horses. It has been a long time since I rode in this subdivision and the new houses are beautiful. Along the way we saw the two horses in the first picture they were very friendly. We also visited an Alpaca ranch but my pictures of them did not come out, I was on my horse trying to take pictures, which is very hard to do when your horse does not want to stand still. The Alpaca's were very cute, and the owner told us that you can have their coats sheared and just show the coats at shows and win ribbons. They shear them once a year. We rode for two hours and it was a beautiful day for it, nice sunshine, warm breeze, good conversation, it doesn't get better than that. I shall miss my friend Helen and our trail rides.

Friendly Horses

Reward Time grazing on the front lawn

Bath Time

Heading Out

Helen On Sonter

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